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Personal, biographically colored collages

Starting in 2010, the artist combines fragments from magazines collected over many decades, preserved mementos from travels such as city maps, entrance tickets, and art cards, as well as quotations from his own prints, drawings, and Polaroid photographs to create very personal, biographically colored collages.

The sheets, which can be read like an emotional journey into one's own past and private sphere, with their different temporal and spatial levels and "elements of memory" (Hans Peter Riese) follow a perfectly balanced, harmonious choreography. Their content is known only to the artist whose life story is anchored and immortalized in these picture collages.

Pravoslav Sovak Foundation

c/o lic.iur. Ralph Sigg
Obermattweg 12
CH-6052 Hergiswil, NW

© Pravoslav Sovak Foundation

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